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Language: It's all about communication, or not

As stated in the History section, our current civilization is a product of the Roman Empire, and as such the language of this Empire is at the root of our civilization. Latin is the language of the Roman Empire. It is the language by which our modern civilization is sculpted and defined. YET WHO AMONG US READS, WRITES, AND SPEAKS LATIN TODAY?

If you were able to read that last sentence in ALL CAPS then you have just read Latin. In this particular case, where all caps are used it is referred to as Dog Latin. You don't have to look very far to find such text today. For example, here is a section of a very famous software license agreement in Dog Latin:


Dog Latin is a peculiar beast. It is a corrupted form of Latin masquerading as modern English. It has one primary purpose, to deceive! This particular form of deception has become commonly known today as The Justinian Deception. Author Romley Stewart has written a powerful and enlightening booklet that lays bare this powerful deception. Go to this link to read it: JUSTINIAN-DECEPTION (PDF).

In all matters of jurisdiction and law, precision of language is vital. Here are some simple examples of how spoken English and written English can lead to errors. It is understood in speech that 2 + 2 = 4, but these 5 spoken sounds can be written as:

To plus Too = FOR
TOO + 2 = Four
Again we can speak 4 + 4 = 8, but write 4 + FOR = ATE.
